In support of learning, working, and volunteering abroad
The Education Abroad Committee (EAC) is responsible for reviewing and promoting quality learning abroad programs through consultation, review, evaluation, and advocacy. The Committee works collaboratively with academic colleges and departments to fulfill these responsibilities.
The EAC meets monthly throughout the academic year. Group study abroad program proposals (both credit-bearing and non-credit) should be routed through their respective college or administrative unit before being submitted to the EAC.
The following flowchart outlines the deadlines for submitting proposals or intents to offer to EAC.
College and/or administrative unit review deadlines may be earlier.
Questions regarding EAC policies or deadlines may be directed to the appropriate college representative on the committee.
Study Abroad Offices:
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Ivy College of Business
College of Design
College of Engineering
College of Human Sciences
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Study Abroad Center